Domiciliary Care
We promote independence enabling each individual to do what they desire while enjoying their privacy and 100% care.
Our priority is your health and well-being, so it is important to us that you continue to remain at home while maintaining your independence. We discovered that it could often delay the need for long term nursing home care while enjoying privacy and 100% care for each individual. We promote independence and choice enabling each individual to do what they desire and are capable of doing.
Our team regularly monitors changing needs and expectations to enable our clients to enjoy life as well as get the most out of life. The clients we work with have a variety of complex support needs such as physical disabilities, dementia, learning disabilities, spinal injury, etc.
“We offer various services that enhance the physical, emotional, and psychological well being of our clients. That's who we are!”
Services offered include:
- Excellent professional care and support
- Flexibility for independent living, lifestyle and choice
- One to one care not shared care except where there is a couple
- Rates are cheaper than residential or nursing care
- Day and night sitting services
- Appointments and Doctors visits
- Live-In Care
- Getting up and putting to bed services
- Pension collection services
- Giving prescribed medication
- Health-related tasks, as agreed with medical practitioners
- Support in washing and dressing
- Maintaining personal appearance/ hygiene
- Help and support with toileting and using continence aids